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How to Get the Printer IP Address?
For printer support connection with the cashier app through a network, you need to get the IP address for the printer to be able to connect it with the cashier app.
The following list contains the most common printers, and there is a hyperlink beside each explaining how to get the IP address:
1. Epson Tm-m30 (Click here to learn how to get the IP address for the printer).
2. Sunmi NT311 (Click here to learn how to get the IP address for the printer).
3. Star mC-Print3 (Click here to learn how to get the IP address for the printer).
4. Epson Tm-T20II (Click here to learn how to get the IP address for the printer).
5. Epson Tm-m30II (Click here to learn how to get the IP address for the printer).
6. Epson Tm-T20III (12) (Click here to learn how to get the IP address for the printer).