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Editing Users
You can update your users' information anytime with few clicks.
1. Click Manage on the side menu.
2. Click Users.
3. Click on the user to be updated.
4. Click Edit User.
5. A pop-up window will open where you can perform your edits on any of the following:
- Name (obligatory field): Enter the name of the user.
- Language (obligatory field): Select the preferred interface language of the user from the dropdown list.
- Employee Number: Enter the user number in your company.
- Phone: Enter the phone of the user.
- Email: Enter the email to be used by the user to log in to the console. In case the user only uses the Cashier App, no need for an email.
- Login Pin: Write a unique 5-digit PIN for the user to be able to log in to the Cashier App. You can also click Generate to get a random and more secure one.
- Display Localized Names: Check the box to show the console and apps in the localized language of your choice.
6. Click Save.