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Understanding the Inventory Control Report
Foodics provides you with different types of analyses to enhance your knowledge of your business operations and to help you make informed decisions. The Inventory Control report is helpful when it comes to previewing details of items in your branches and warehouses, such as production quantity and transfer quantity
1. Click Reports on the side menu.
2. Click Inventory Control.
The main columns of the Inventory Control report are:
- Opening Quantity: Quantity at the beginning of this period.
- Opening Cost: Cost of opening quantity at the beginning of this period.
- Purchasing Quantity: Quantity of purchased items.
- Purchasing Cost: Cost of purchased items.
- Transfer Receiving Quantity: Quantity received from transfers of this item.
- Transfer Receiving Cost: Cost of the quantities received through the transfer receiving transaction.
- Production Quantity: Quantity produced of this item.
- Production Cost: Cost of production of this item.
- Return From Order Quantity: Quantity returned of this item from the cashier to the branch.
- Return From Order Cost: Cost of quantity returned from the cashier.
- Return Transfer Quantity: Sum of returned quantities from transfer transactions.
- Return Transfer Cost: The total cost of returned quantities from transfer transactions.
- Total in Quantity: Sum of quantities from purchasing, receiving, production & return from order transactions.
- Total in Cost: Cost of the (Total In) quantity.
- Return to Supplier Quantity: Sum of quantities returned to suppliers.
- Return to Supplier Cost: The total cost of the quantities returned to suppliers.
- Transfer Sending Quantity: Quantity sent by transfers of this item.
- Transfer Sending Cost: Cost of Sent quantities
- Consumption From Production Quantity: Sum of quantities consumed from production.
- Consumption From Production Cost: Cost of quantities used in production.
- Production Waste Quantity: sum of quantities wasted by production transaction.
- Production Waste Cost: Cost of quantities wasted by production transaction.
- Consumption From Order Quantity: Sum of quantities consumed in Cashier orders.
- Consumption From Order Cost: Cost of quantities consumed in Cashier orders.
- Waste From Order Quantity: Sum of quantities wasted by Cashier.
- Waste From Order Cost: Cost of quantities wasted by the Cashier.
- Adjustment Quantity: Sum of deducted quantities from Quantity Adjustment transaction.
- Adjustment Cost: Cost of Quantity Adjustments.
- Total Out Quantity: Sum of quantities from the return to supplier, transfer sending, consumption from order, consumption from production, waste from order & quantity adjustment transactions.
- Total Out Cost: Cost of the Total Out Quantity.
- Count Variance Cost: Cost of Count Variance.
- Closing Quantity: Quantity at the end of the reporting period.
- Closing Cost: Cost of Closing Quantity.