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Editing Customers
You can edit your customers’ information anytime with just a few clicks.
1. Click Customers on the side menu.
2. Click on the customer.
3. Click Edit Customer on the top right corner.
4. A pop-up window will open with the following fields:
- Name (obligatory field): Enter the customer’s full name.
- Phone (obligatory field): Enter the customer’s phone number.
- Email: Add the customer’s unique email address.
- Birth date: Enter the customer’s date of birth.
- Gender: Specify the customer’s gender (Male or Female).
- House Account Limit: Enter the maximum amount of balance the customer can order without paying.
- Blacklist: Click this button in case the customer is blacklisted and when the order is assigned, the customer’s name will appear in red.
5. Click Save.
Note: The House Account Limit field only appears if you enable the house account for the customer.