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How Does Production Work
Production is a type of inventory transaction that is used when several items are combined together to create a final item.
For instance, the business might have a spicy sauce that is being prepared at the store with several ingredients.
After submitting a Production transaction, three transactions will be recorded:
1- Production: Quantities of the Produced Item will be raised.
2- Consumption From Production: Quantities of the Ingredients will be reduced.
3- Waste From Production: Ingredients' wasted quantities from production will be reduced (if applicable).
To create a production transaction, follow these steps: (A hyperlink that provides a details explanation is available for each step) :
1- Create inventory item (The item want to produce).
You can skip this step if the item has been created. (Click Here for more details)
2- Again create inventory items but this time create the ingredient of the item you want to produce.
You can skip this step if the item has been created. (Click Here for more details)
3- Add the items as ingredients for the produce item. (Click Here for more details)
4- Check the level of the ingredients of the items in the branch before your produce the items (Click Here for more details). If the quantity is not enough in the inventory, then need to add a quantity either by purchasing, or transfertransactions.
5- Perform the production transaction (Click Hereand Here for more details)
6- After closing the production, three transactions will be recorded:
1st- Production.
2nd-Consumption From Production.
3rd- Waste From Production: this transaction will appear only if there was a yield percentage (click here to learn more about Yield).