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Activating Payment Gateway - PayMob
Activating the payment gateway PayMob via the MoneyHash integration to receive card payments on the Web and App in Egypt.
Step 1: Open Account With PayMob
You have to open an account with PayMob to proceed with the integration
Step 2: Contact Account Manager to Activate Account
Contact your account manager or our support team at to activate your account.
Step 3: Activate PayMob Integration
The merchant needs to activate the online payment option from his Paymob dashboard following the steps below:
Step 4: Activate PayMob on MoneyHash
1- Settings > Integration > MoneyHash > Install
2- Within the same integration session, a MoneyHash tab will appear. Click on it granting you access to the different integrations available through MoneyHash
3- Select PayMob as the payment gateway > Enable the integration
4- Global configuration - “Activate” > “Is live”
5- Pay-in configuration> Activate Paymob Pay-In
Here is where you can get the Paymob API key and Hmac secret from the Paymob dashboard directly from the Settings section.
From the Paymob dashboard, it is very important to set up the two callbacks URL for us to be able to read the status for each payment processed. To do this, kindly follow the following steps:
Add the following links as callbacks:
- (transaction processed callback)
- (transaction response callback)
6- Activate the methods the client would like to enable. Card will be the most widely used method
The Paymob iframe id, card integration id and the token integration id are directly available from the merchant Paymob dashboard
Here is where you can get the PayMob iFrame ID: Developers > iFrames (kindly enter the iFrame of the “My new card iFrame”)
Here is where you can get the PayMob card integration ID from the PayMob dashboard: Developers > Payment Integrations
For the PayMob token integration ID, kindly just enter the same ID as the Paymob card integration ID until further notice.
7- Pay-out - No need to activate this section
8- Finish - the Paymob activation is finally enable through the super MoneyHash integration
9- Associate the MoneyHash integration within which Paymob has been enabled with the App in the “Payment and delivery” section of the application
10- You are finally good to go!