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Foodics Pay Branches
This page will present general information about the branches operating in your business. You can only view the branch information but not edit it. In case you wish to edit the branches details, kindly send an Email from the owner’s Email that’s registered in the Foodics Pay agreement to
- Reference: Unique and randomly generated reference numbers for each branch you have currently.
- Name: Indicates the name of the branch that’s operating currently in your business.
- City: Indicates the city where each branch is located.
- Number of Terminals: Indicates the number of terminals which are running currently in each branch.
- Main Branch: Indicates whether the branch is the main branch in your business or it’s a secondary branch.
- Enabled: Indicates whether the branch is activated in your account or not.
- Created At: Indicates the actual date when the branch is activated and uploaded to your account.
You can filter the branches by clicking on Filter option which includes the following:
- Name: Write the name of the branch that you want to show in the result.
- Enabled: Choose whether the branch that you want to show in the result is activated or not from the dropdown list that will appear to you.
- City: Choose the city where the branch belongs that you want to show in the result.
- Click on the Apply option to filter the data.
Or you can choose the predefined filter for the active/not active branches.
In case you wish to export the branches as an Excel file you can click on the Export Branches option and it will export the data on your computer. The report will include the following:
- Branch_reference: Unique and randomly generated reference numbers for each branch you have currently.
- Name: Indicates the name of the branch that’s operating currently in your business.
- Address: indicates the current address of the branch.
- Address_localized: Presents the current branch’s address in another language.
- Longitude: Indicates the longitude of the current branch’s address.
- Latitude: Indicates the latitude of the current branch’s address.
- City_reference: Indicates the reference number of the city where each branch is located.
- City_name: Indicates the name of the city where each branch is located.
- Is_main: Indicates whether the branch is the main branch in your business or it’s a secondary branch.
- Is_active: Indicates whether the branch is activated in your account or not.
- Created_at: Indicates the actual date when the branch is activated and uploaded to your account.
When you click on any branch it will present the following:
Branch Information:
- Reference: Unique and randomly generated reference number for the current branch.
- F5 Branch ID: Indicates the identification number of the branch that is assigned to it in the console.
- Name: Indicates the name of the branch.
- City: Indicates the name of the city where the current branch is located.
- Address: indicates the current address of the branch.
- Main Branch: Indicates whether the branch is the main branch in your business or it’s a secondary branch.
- Enabled: Indicates whether the branch is activated in your account or not.
- Created At: Indicates the actual date when the branch is activated and uploaded to your account.
Bank Account Information: Indicates the information of the bank account where the transactions that are paid in this branch will be transferred to it.
- Beneficiary Name: Indicates the name of the person or the company who will receive the transferred transactions that are paid in this branch.
- Account number: Indicates the account number of the bank where each transaction that’s paid in this branch will be transferred to it.
- Bank Name: Indicates the name of the bank that will receive the transactions that are transferred to you which belongs to this branch.
- IBAN: Indicates the IBAN number of the bank where each transaction paid in this branch will be transferred to it.