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This page will provide you with general information about the Foodics Pay terminals that are provided by Foodics Company.
- Reference: Unique and randomly generated reference number for each Foodics Pay terminal you have currently.
- Terminal ID: Includes the device number for each Foodics Pay terminal you have currently. This is the number that you will need when you reach Foodics Support regarding any request or issue.
- Status: Includes the current status of each Foodics Pay terminal you currently have which will identify whether the terminal is installed, pending, or pulled out.
- New: Indicates that the Foodics Pay terminal is newly requested from Foodics and still it’s not installed in your place.
- Pending bank registration: Indicates that the Foodics Pay terminal is still not registered in the bank, and Foodics is waiting for the approval from the bank.
- Pending Installation: Indicates that the Foodics Pay terminal is still pending with the service provider but it’s ready to be installed in your place.
- Installed: Indicates that the Foodics Pay terminal is installed in your place and it’s ready to be used.
- Pulled out: Indicates that you raised a request to Foodics to cancel and pull out the terminal and it’s pulled out by the company.
- Branch Name: Includes the name of the branch where the Foodics Pay terminal is currently installed and operates.
- Enabled: Indicates whether the Foodics Pay terminal is active and being used or it’s inactive.
*Note: If the status of the Foodics Pay terminal was inactive No in the enabled column, it indicates that the device is temporarily not being used and not that it is deactivated.
You can filter the terminals on the table by clicking on the options that are shown at the top of the table:
- Active: Includes all the Foodics Pay terminals that are active.
- Enabled: Includes all the terminals that are enabled.
- Installed: Includes all the terminals that are only installed in your place.
- Pulled Out: Includes all the terminals that are canceled and pulled out by Foodics.
- Unreconciled: Includes all the terminals that weren't reconciled for 24 hours or more.
Also, you have the ability to filter Foodics Pay terminals by clicking on the Filter option, which offers the following options:
- Reference: Write the reference number of the Foodics Pay terminal that you want to view its data.
- Terminal ID 8: Write the terminal number of the Foodics Pay terminal that you want to view its data.
- Branch: Select the branch that you want to view its data from the dropdown list.
- Status: Select the status of the Foodics Pay terminal that you want to view its data from the dropdown list.
- Enabled: Select whether the Foodics Pay terminal that you want to view its data is active or inactive.
- Click on Apply to filter the data.
In the case you wish to export the terminals’ data as an Excel file, you can do so by clicking on the Export Terminals option and it will download the file on your device. The report includes the following:
- Terminal_reference: Unique and randomly generated reference number for each Foodics Pay terminal you have currently.
- Subscription_reference: Unique and randomly generated reference number that Foodics company will assign after you subscribed in Foodics Pay services.
- Branch_reference: Unique and randomly generated reference number for the branch where the Foodics Pay terminal is running currently.
- Commercial_registration: Indicates the commercial registration number that’s related to your company.
- Retailer_id: Unique and randomly generated identification number from Foodics to your company.
- Terminal_id8: Indicates the Foodics Pay terminal number which consists of 8 digits.
- Terminal_id16: Indicates the Foodics Pay terminal number which consists of 16 digits.
- Status: Indicates the current status of the Foodics Pay terminal which will indicate whether the terminal is installed, pending or pulled out.
- Address: Indicates the current address of the branch where the terminal is currently located.
- Longitude: Indicates the longitude of the current address where the terminal is currently located.
- Latitude: Indicates the latitude of the current address where the terminal is currently located.
- Trsm: Unique terminal code assigned from Saudi Payments.
- Address_localized: Indicates the current address of the branch where the terminal is currently located in another language.
- Installation_date: Indicates the actual date when the service provider installed the terminal in your place.
- Installation_request_date: Indicates the date that you confirm to the company to install the terminal in your place.
- Pullout_date: Indicates the actual date when the service provider canceled and pulled out the device from your place.
- Pullout_request_date: Indicates the date that you requested from the company to cancel and pull out the terminal from your place.
- Last_reconciliation_date: Indicates the last date you did reconciliation for the terminal.
- Time_offset: How much time difference is there between the terminal and real time.
- Sim_card_provider: Indicates the name of the company provided us with the SIM card that’s currently working in your terminal.
- Sim_card_number: Indicates the number of the SIM card that’s currently working in your terminal.
- Device_serial_number: Indicates the serial number from the vendor of the terminal that is currently running in your place.
- Device_vendor: Indicates the name of the vendor who provided us with the terminal that’s currently running in your place.
- Device_model: Indicates the model of the terminal that’s currently running in your place.
- Is_active: Indicates whether the Foodics Pay terminal is active and being used or it’s inactive.
When you press on any terminal from the terminals listed it will show the following:
Terminal Information From Foodics:
- Reference: Unique and randomly generated reference number for each Foodics Pay terminal you have currently.
- Terminal ID 8: Indicates the Foodics Pay terminal number which consists of 8 digits.
- Terminal ID 16: Indicates the Foodics Pay terminal number which consists of 16 digits.
- Terminal Serial No: Indicates the serial number of the terminal that is currently running in your place.
- Status: Indicates the current status of the Foodics Pay terminal which will confirm whether the terminal is installed, pending or pulled out.
- Sim Card Provider: Indicates the name of the company provided us with the SIM card that’s currently working in your terminal.
- Installation Request Date: Indicates the date that you confirm to the company to install the terminal in your place.
- Installation Date: Indicates the actual date when the service provider installed the terminal in your place.
- Pull Out Request Date: Indicates the date that you requested from the company to cancel and pull out the terminal from your place.
- Pull Out Date: Indicates the actual date when the service provider canceled and pulled out the device from your place.
- Last Reconciliation Date: Indicates the last date you did reconciliation for the terminal.
- Enabled: Indicates whether the Foodics Pay terminal is active and being used or it’s inactive.
Terminal Information From the Vendor:
- Serial Number: Indicates the serial number from the vendor of the terminal that is currently running in your place.
- Vendor: Indicates the name of the vendor who provided us with the terminal that’s currently running in your place.
- Model: Indicates the model of the terminal that’s currently running in your place.
- Status: Indicates the status of the Foodics Pay terminal from the vendor.
- Firmware Version: Indicates the current version of the Foodics Pay terminal.
- Manufacture Date: Indicates the actual date when the Foodics Pay device manufactured by the vendor.
- Enabled: Indicates whether the Foodics Pay terminal is active and being used or it’s inactive.
Also, you export all of the terminals including their details as Excel sheet, all you have to do is press export terminals. You can filter the data based on your preference before exporting the terminals.
Lastly, you can filter the unreconciled terminals directly anywhere by pressing this option at the top of the page.